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How to Add Purchase Order in Oracle Apps

purchase orderOracle apps make it easier to create purchase orders from anywhere. It provides two options to create purchase orders: manually and automatically. The manual method involves using the Requisition Expeditor program, and the automatic method involves using a Batch Requisition Consolidation program.

Requisition Expeditor program

Standard item requisitions, such as the office or pantry supplies don’t usually require interventions from the buyer. But high priority items or special requests would require the Requisition Expeditor program to create a purchase order in Oracle apps. Here’s how you need to use this program to create the purchase order manually:

• First, divide lines according to currency codes and suppliers for different requisitions.

• Next, consolidate the order headers either by currency, exchange, supplier number, or branch.

• Select the Order Detail Consolidation processing option and consolidate by unit of measure, line type, and requested date.

• Double-check for blanket orders, followed by reviewing the agreements.

• Check the purchase order’s F0401 table and retrieve default information like payment terms, tax information, and supplier details.

• Hit create to finish your purchase order.

Batch Requisition Consolidation program

Follow the steps below to make an automatic purchase order in Oracle apps:

• Select the default order type by specifying the document.
• Add the Order Head by mentioning how the system should generate the order headers when you release various requisition lines. You can also group multiple requisitions under one order if they come under the same purchase category.
• Select the currency code, supplier name and details, branch, and exchange rate.
• Make sure you check the order detail consolidation details like unit of measure, line type, shipping information, and items.
• Review the purchase order and hit OK.

Oracle apps are helpful to quickly make purchase orders so that your suppliers don’t have to wait for payment confirmations.

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