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4 Things Your Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Do For You

Law is a highly specialized and technical body of knowledge. Highly competent lawyers, such the Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer James Davis, are sought after because of their mastery of laws. A defense attorney is one side of the courtroom coin, and aside from the actual defending of a client, what else can they do?


A Defense Lawyer May Intercept Charges


Many capable defense lawyers can rectify a case before it even goes to court. A criminal justice attorney can present evidence and statements to the prosecutors, painting the case in a whole new light. The prosecutor may work with you and your defense lawyer for a plea bargain, lowering your charges or dropping it altogether.


Defense Attorneys Can Negotiate Sentences


Alternative sentence programs take advantage of the belief that rehabilitation is more effective than prison time. In case the judge rules in favor of the prosecution, a defense lawyer may discuss details about your sentencing program. For instance, instead of doing a 3-month prison term, your defense lawyer may negotiate it to only a 2-month term and a 1-month community service term.


Find, Hire, and Fire


He/She can find and hire investigators to examine not only the crime but also the prosecution, specifically their witnesses. If an investigator can find something that discredits the prosecutor side’s testimonies or enhance your own, then it is a great point in your favor.


He/She can also move to remove jurors (with just cause) if they feel that they are leaning to one side more than the other.


Give Objective and Emotional Insight


Your Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer will coach and walk you through the conduct of the trial. The competent ones update you as the case progresses and briefs you on what to expect and what the best thing is to do.


Your defense attorney will also let you know about how to cope with the trial emotionally and how to deal with the depression and emotional backlash courtrooms create.


Trained criminal justice lawyers do not only analyze cases and evidence, but they also negotiate arrangements and provide much needed emotional support. Defense attorneys are your first and maybe your last, line of protection in a trial.